Brooklyn’s SANHEDRIN Sign With Cruz Del Sur Music

The 2014 creation of guitarist Jeremy Sosville (BLACK ANVIL) and drummer Nathan Honor, SANHEDRIN was eventually joined by former AMBER ASYLUM and LOST GOAT bassist/vocalist Erica Stoltz, whose vocal and lyrical exploits quickly became the perfect complement to the pair’s fledgling compositions. The trio produced a self-titled demo in 2015, but it wasn’t until “A Funeral For The World” did the band come into their own. Boasting a familiar, but not derivative sound, SANHEDRIN’s songwriting is rooted in the classics, translating into a fresh and honest take on rock and metal that easily crosses into doom, hard rock and stoner metal territory.

Pic by Suzanne Abramson

SANHEDRIN, one of the most exciting new bands to emerge from the Brooklyn music scene, has signed with Cruz Del Sur Music for the April 27 European/May 4 North American vinyl release of their debut full-length, “A Funeral For The World”.

The 2014 creation of guitarist Jeremy Sosville (BLACK ANVIL) and drummer Nathan Honor, SANHEDRIN was eventually joined by former AMBER ASYLUM and LOST GOAT bassist/vocalist Erica Stoltz, whose vocal and lyrical exploits quickly became the perfect complement to the pair’s fledgling compositions. The trio produced a self-titled demo in 2015, but it wasn’t until “A Funeral For The World” did the band come into their own. Boasting a familiar, but not derivative sound, SANHEDRIN’s songwriting is rooted in the classics, translating into a fresh and honest take on rock and metal that easily crosses into doom, hard rock and stoner metal territory.

Live stints with ACID KING, CASTLE, CAULDRON, CRYPT SERMON, HELL FIRE, KHEMMIS, MAGIC CIRCLE and SATAN furthered honed SANHEDRIN’s approach, ultimately leading to Cruz Del Sur Music offering the band a deal.

“The three of us in this band have a very clear and shared vision artistically, and we were not going to settle with anyone who would compromise that,” says Sosville. “Enrico [Leccese], the label owner at Cruz, has shown through the years that he is truly motivated by a passion for music, above all. You can see it in the quality of his roster and the records they release. Our dealings with him have been very genuine and positive, and we feel that this is a good partner for SANHEDRIN.

“Our goal as a band is to constantly be growing and reaching as many people as we can. Up until now, the band has been involved in every single aspect of this album’s release. From putting up the time and investment in recording and duplication, right down to packing orders, it’s been a true DIY operation. That said, that comes with limitations, especially in Europe where we have been so well-received but are so far away from. We feel that this new partnership with Cruz Del Sur is a great step in reaching more people with our music than we currently can on our own.”

The bustling, creative hotspot that is Brooklyn has provided plenty of inspiration to SANHEDRIN, a place that according to Sosville, helps channel their unique approach to music. “I think New York bands in general have a certain swagger and attitude unique to this area, and that comes across in the songwriting and the live show for us. We’re immersed in a very diverse culture where we are exposed to many types of musical sounds in our everyday life, and we absorb something from all of it even though our foundations are based in heavy metal and hard rock.”

While SANHEDRIN is partly the product of their environment, it is their combined talent and experience that is ultimately the defining element here. Parlaying a song-first format that proves the trio is greater than the sum of its parts, SANHEDRIN clearly benefit from its members already knowing the ins-and-outs of a successful band operation.

“Every band has its own recipe for what works for that group of individuals,” says Sosville. “Playing with other people or projects can offer a fresh perspective that can inform your own creative process in a new way. Whenever you create with different people, you will learn something new and continue to grow as an individual. I have certainly taken the things I have learned from BLACK ANVIL and used whatever knowledge I’ve acquired to help SANHEDRIN grow artistically and otherwise. The main goal is to forge a path where we are surrounded by people who inspire us and believe in what we are doing.”

Fresh off a west coast run, SANHEDRIN has its sights set on future stateside live intrusions and are already thinking about their next studio venture.

“We look forward to this record we’ve put our hearts into continuing to reach more people as 2018 moves along,” wraps Sosville. “We are also currently working on playing as many new places as we can. Currently, we are working with another band to do an east coast run here in America in June. We are also hopeful that we can get to Europe before this year ends, as there has been a great reaction to this record over there so far. Lastly, we are hard at work writing our next record, which we are aiming to release in the early part of 2019 on Cruz Del Sur. We are excited for what the future holds!”

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